24 May 2012

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

The Cancer Council Australia runs a great initiative called "Australia's Biggest Morning Tea" where people get together and have a morning tea together and donate money to the Cancer Council.

Unfortunately, meetings got in our way this morning so we had to reschedule for an afternoon tea, but it was just as successful all the same!

Everyone in the dev team contributed to our lovely tea including hand made cakes, friands, fruit platters and  savoury treats (I'm still munching on chips as I type...!). I'm hoping I can convince some of our chefs to share their recipes here!

16 May 2012

Recipe - Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime Cider Scones

If you can manage to stop yourself from drinking this cider long enough to use it in this recipe, you're in for a treat!

Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime Cider Scones 

3 cups of self-raising flour
A pinch of salt
1 cup of thickened cream
1 cup of Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime Cider

1) Preheat your oven to 200 degrees celsius.

2) Sift the flour and salt into a bowl, then make a well in the centre into which pour the cream and cider (yes, stop drinking it now and put it in the bowl!).

3) Using a flat bladed knife, cut through the mixture until it forms a dough.

4) Empty the bowl out onto a floured bench and press out gently so it's about 3cm thick.

5) Use a small glass or scone cutter (about 2 inches) and cut out scones from the dough.

6) Place each of the scones onto a greaseproof paper lined baking tray, fairly close together.

7) Brush the tops of the scones with a little milk.

8) Pop the tray into the oven for about 10 minutes, then turn the heat up to 250 degrees celcius for another 5 minutes to make the scones nice and brown on top.

9) Serve hot with your favourite scone toppings - jam and cream is pretty hard to go past - and enjoy!

14 May 2012

Cullen Hotel

Last Friday saw us visiting The Cullen Hotel for an all day planning meeting and what an amazing venue for a talk-fest! The view from our meeting room over the Melbourne skyline was spectacular (and only a little distracting initially!), there were very bright, interesting prints of the paintings of Adam Cullen and we were very excited about the T2 tea and Nespresso machine - simple things!

We were very spoilt with delicious morning and afternoon teas of banana cake (with icing! Can't have cake without icing, I say!) and raspberry and white chocolate muffins (my favourite!), which were deliciously homemadely tasty!

Lunchtime was a delectable treat of risotto, sandwiches and wraps along with some very fancy soft drinks and an enlightening talk about Cullen's paintings, which was a great break from all of the talk of style guides and web application navigation (as interesting as those subjects are... oh dear, I'm actually being serious there too!).